Investing with the Marijuana Millionaires

Jeff Siegel

Posted April 26, 2016

Her name is Jane Philpott.

You probably don’t know her, but you should.

Jane Philpott is the Health Minister of Canada, and she’s the person charged with the responsibility of developing regulatory controls for Canada’s new cannabis legalization agenda.

If you’re a regular reader of these pages, you know that last year, Canada’s newly elected prime minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that Canada would soon legalize cannabis throughout the entire nation.

Once Trudeau was elected, we watched our legal cannabis stocks soar. Some more than doubled within two weeks.

Of course, change doesn’t happen overnight. But thanks to a recent announcement from Jane Philpott, legal cannabis investors got some much-needed clarity last week when Philpott announced that the new legislation regarding legalization would be ready next spring.

This is a full year earlier than what many analysts expected.

Not long after that announcement, legal cannabis stocks soared again. And right now, we’re sitting on some huge profits in the legal cannabis space, particularly with a small organic cannabis producer in Canada that’s been on a tear since last year. The company is called OrganiGram (TSX-V: OGI), and it’s made me a boatload of cash. Check it out. It’s definitely one of my favorites.


But here’s the best part…

OrganiGram is only one of about a half-dozen other quality Canadian cannabis stocks that are making us rich.

The Great North American Cannabis Trade

Since early 2015, I’ve been talking about something called the Great North American Cannabis Trade. This is the idea that the legal cannabis industry is no longer relegated to just a small number of regions in British Columbia or Denver. Instead, it’s now an enormous intra-continental industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now, while Canada has certainly taken the lead on cannabis legalization, there’s been an enormous amount of progress made in the United States and Mexico, too.

Here in the U.S., half of the states in the nation have either decriminalized or legalized cannabis. The most recent was Pennsylvania, which just last week legalized medical marijuana.

Also last week, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said he wants to not only legalize cannabis-based medicines, but also wants to raise the amount users can legally carry from 5 grams to 28 grams. He’s also proposed freeing inmates on minor marijuana charges.

For a country that’s probably been more negatively affected by the drug war than any other, this is huge news. Especially since it comes just five months after Mexico’s Supreme Court voted to allow Mexican citizens to legally grow cannabis on their properties.

What started out as a slow-moving sea change has turned into a full-on flood.

Just look at this map, where I’ve highlighted all the states and countries where marijuana has been legalized or decriminalized.


This, my friend, is the marketplace for the Great North American Cannabis Trade.

$142 Billion Up for Grabs!

There is no doubt that over the next few years, the Great North American Cannabis Trade is going to make many of us richer than we could’ve ever imagined.

Right now, we’re feeding our greed with a steady flow of profits from a handful of Canadian cannabis stocks. Some of those stocks can actually be found in my legal cannabis white paper, which you can get access to here.

The legal cannabis market in the U.S. is also starting to pay off for us, most recently with a big score on GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH) — a biopharmaceutical company focused on cannabis-based prescription medicines.

Last month, GW announced positive data from the first phase III study on its lead cannabis-based epilepsy drug. Here’s what happened:


That’s a 120% gain in one day!

And of course, with the President of Mexico recently coming out in support of legalization, there’s now going to be a flood of capital heading south of the border to lock in some early action, too.

I’m actually meeting with some folks about this in two weeks, looking to score an opportunity for members of my Green Chip Stocks community, which you can join by clicking here.

Look, here’s the bottom line on cannabis…

The global market for illegal cannabis is about $142 billion. To put that in perspective, the global coffee market — one of the most valuable commodities on the planet — is valued at about $80 billion per year.

In the U.S., cannabis is actually the largest cash crop. Its market value exceeds that of corn and wheat, and it’s expected to enjoy an estimated growth rate of 700% by 2018. And throughout all of North America, it’s soon going to be completely legal. That means there’s going to be more than $100 billion up for grabs.

But make no mistake: Only those who stake their claim today will be the marijuana millionaires of tomorrow. And rest assured, dear reader — I have no intention of sitting on the sidelines while everyone else gets rich. You shouldn’t, either.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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